industrial air filtration system

Complete Air Sanitization Solution

How Does Air Sniper Provide a Supplementary Air Sanitization Solution?

When you want a supplementary air sanitization product, there is nowhere better to turn to than Air Sniper. Armed with amazing designs, quality components and impressive UVC technology, this company’s products are truly something else. But, what is it about their large range of in-line and stand-alone products that makes them this way? What Makes Air Sniper a Supplementary Air Sanitization

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Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The air we breathe is essential to our survival, but it seems so easy to overlook at the same time. Perhaps we ignore it because we can’t see it swirling around us, or observe the different concentrations of substances from one pocket to the next. Whatever the reason, simply paying the air we breathe no attention will not reduce its

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What Makes Air Sniper Different

What Makes Air Sniper Different

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything at all, it has taught us the importance of protecting our indoor spaces. Many of the actions that even just a year ago felt so alien, like social distancing and masking, have become integrated into our daily lives. For some, this integration is not likely to go anywhere once herd immunization is

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UVC Technology for Future Pandemics

How UVC Technology Can Protect Against Future Pandemics

Although UVC technology has been an approved air sanitization technique since the 1930s, there is still a fair amount of surprise and intrigue in this “new” technology. Certainly, no small part of this interest comes from the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which saw countries around the world have to acknowledge the power and danger present in the microorganic world.  But, regardless

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Air Purification: Part of Your PPE

Air Purification: Part of Your PPE

Every workplace faces its own unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety of all workers present on site. There are numerous hazards to contend with, from physical hazards like processing equipment and airborne contamination to the mental hazards of fatigue, interpersonal relationships and more. Keeping track of and countering these many problems can be a full-time commitment for

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UVC lightbulb

The Power of UVC in Other Applications

Although air sanitization is one area where UVC can be used, it is far from the only place. This technology is used in a wide range of applications across a variety of industries, including child care, office cleaning and many more. Seeing how UV light is put to use in different cleaning environments can help demonstrate its efficacy in unique

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Air Sniper Effective in Malls

Are Air Snipers Effective in Malls?

There are many locations where Air Snipers can be found. The utility of these supplementary air sanitization solutions is easy to see in many applications, from hospitals and schools to cultivation facilities and dental clinics. But, there is still one question that remains about the effectiveness of Air Sniper equipment. Are they effective in malls?   What Makes Air Sniper

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Air Sniper Air Sanitization

Are Air Sanitization and Air Purification the Same Thing?

When interpreting the English language, there are, perhaps unsurprisingly, many interpretations. Words that sound the same or seem to mean the same thing often get swapped out and used interchangeably, regardless of how close their definitions and meanings match the context of their use. One such example of this is the difference between supplemental air sanitization, purification, and filtration. Three

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Air Sniper Integration

How Air Sniper Integrates Into Your Facility

Air Sniper provides supplemental air sanitization units that are made to seamlessly integrate into new and existing facilities across various industries. They do this by two main integrations: stand-alone and in-line units. Each of these provides significant benefits to users, but the methods vary slightly. Stand-alone Stand-alone units are available in various sizes and are incredibly user-friendly. Most come with

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Air Sniper in Cannabis Cultivation Facility

Air Sanitization in the Cannabis Industry

Cultivation facilities are required to meet specific requirements across the board. From constant testing to cleanliness procedures. Ensuring the product meets the requirements is critical to the success of the crops. Cultivation facilities are at risk of airborne contaminants that can cause crop loss such as powdery mildew and aspergillus. With legalization across Canada and in many American states, the

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