best air purifier

Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The air we breathe is essential to our survival, but it seems so easy to overlook at the same time. Perhaps we ignore it because we can’t see it swirling around us, or observe the different concentrations of substances from one pocket to the next. Whatever the reason, simply paying the air we breathe no attention will not reduce its

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Air Sniper Integration

How Air Sniper Integrates Into Your Facility

Air Sniper provides supplemental air sanitization units that are made to seamlessly integrate into new and existing facilities across various industries. They do this by two main integrations: stand-alone and in-line units. Each of these provides significant benefits to users, but the methods vary slightly. Stand-alone Stand-alone units are available in various sizes and are incredibly user-friendly. Most come with

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Common Applications for Air Purification Equipment - Air Sniper - Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Common Applications for Air Purification Equipment

As the air around us becomes more suspect with the rise of COVID-19 and previous pandemic viruses, air purification equipment is becoming a more popular choice for businesses, municipalities and individuals around the world. Along with this heightened awareness of the dangers present in the air is the realization that conventional options may not be as effective as we previously

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Coronavirus Prevention Tips: Can Industrial Air Purifiers Protect Against COVID-19? - Air Sniper - Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Can Industrial Air Purifiers Protect Against Airborne Pathogens?

Are you looking into more pathogen protection measures? Find out if air purifiers can help protect you against airborne pathogens.   Looking for ways to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic? We can help. For today’s prevention tips, we explore the question: “Can air purifiers protect against airborne pathogens?” In this guide, you’ll learn what units are effective at

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UV versus HEPA - Air Sniper - Air Filters - Featured Image

UV versus HEPA

With COVID-19 becoming a part of everyday life, your business needs the best air filtration options available. For large-scale buildings and small compact offices, the necessity for clean air is becoming a pressing issue. In particular, the need for continuous solutions that maintain efficiency is emerging as a concern among many building managers, industrial shops and municipalities alike. However, not

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The Importance of Airborne Contaminant Protection

The world is changing. There is a greater pressure on businesses to protect both their employees and customers in equal measure. Although there is continual improvement in the areas of sanitization and disinfection, these methods still focus on high-contact surfaces and manual cleaning. However, many people omit thoughts about the air’s cleanliness, and the potential exposure they may face on

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