hepa air filters for hvac

How Air Snipers Help Keep Your Business Running - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifiers - Featured Image

How Air Snipers Can Help Keep Your Business Running

From the very small to the massive, every business is a conglomeration of different factors. From the employees who make it run to the service or product innovation that makes it competitive, it is plain to see that every business requires the cooperation of multiple people to be successful.   And for retail, medical professionals and other brick-and-mortar stores, the

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Using Air Sniper’s Products in Food Processing Facilities - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifier - Featured Image

Using Air Sniper’s Products in Food Processing Facilities

In commercial and industrial food processing facilities, many of the same high standards apply. When working with food it is important to avoid cross-contamination, separate out dangerous ingredients like raw meat and ensure minimal contact between workers and products. Still, these are just generally accepted practices within the food preparation and packing industries.   There are also more stringent protocols

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Understanding the Air Sniper Test Results - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifier - Featured Image

Understanding the Air Sniper Test Results

With so much on the line, it is important for air sanitization companies to produce real value for their clients. After all, we are in the midst of a pandemic. Effective cleaning solutions that not only protect our employees and customers but also improve factors like work efficiency, are a critical part of a holistic approach to cleaning and sanitizing.

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Is Air Sanitization More Effective than Surface Sanitization? - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Is Air Purification More Effective than Surface Sanitization?

In the world post-COVID-19, there are some new adjustments to everyday living. We see more people wearing masks and standing further apart as common now, but this social practice is only barely at its anniversary now. But there are many examples we can point at as examples of radical changes in a short period including directional arrows in grocery aisles,

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Can Air Snipers Help You Follow OSHA Guidelines? - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Can Air Snipers Help You Follow OSHA Guidelines?

The growing demand on businesses to build safety into their culture does have a historic precedent. After all, unions and minimum wage standards are a part of our culture for a reason. Nowadays, both Canada and the US have their own regulatory organizations for safety in their nation.   In Canada, safety legislation is a provincial responsibility. In Alberta, the

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Air Snipers Offer Consumer Protection against COVID-19 - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Air Snipers Offer Consumer Protection Against Airborne Pathogens

Although vaccine rollouts are now occurring in many developed and developing countries around the world, we are not “out of the woods” just yet. With more variant strains being found, production problems and increasing global demand, herd immunity may still be a long time away.   Hope still exists, however. The majority of our populace has embraced increased hygiene and

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Air Snipers and Building Ventilation - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Air Snipers and Building Ventilation

While every business should focus on making its flagship product the best possible version of itself, it can present many challenges. The research, design, testing, competitor research and other necessary steps can make it a serious undertaking. For some businesses, this can mean putting improvements on hold until more funds are available.   For Air Sniper, the problem itself is

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Where Are Our In-line Units Most Effective? - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifiers - Featured Image

Where Are Our In-line Units Most Effective?

Our in-line units are effective for a wide variety of locations in retail, commercial and industrial spaces. We provide long-lasting solutions that effectively destroy microorganisms and bacteria that could cause illness in humans. While this is true of all Air Sniper products, inline units differentiate themselves in a few key ways.   So, what makes the inline units different? Perhaps

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The Power of UVC Air Sanitization Compared to Other Methods - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifier - Featured Image

The Power of UVC Supplementary Air Sanitization Compared to Other Methods

Air Sniper products use unique technology to cleanse and supplementarily sanitize the air. UVC sanitization uses UVC bulbs to destroy microorganisms. Air Sniper separates itself from the competition, not only of other UVC supplemental sanitization companies, but also other methods, through a few key factors.   These factors help define the benefits and advantages of Air Sniper products. They include

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Retail Applications and Air Sniper - Air Sniper - Industrial Air Purifier - Featured Image

Retail Applications and Air Sniper

There are many applications for Air Sniper products in retail spaces, as we will detail below. Air Sniper products are capable of delivering effective supplementary air sanitization results based on scientific testing and evidence. This is the perfect option for restaurants, clothing outlets and much more.   Air Sniper utilizes UVC technology to destroy the DNA of living organisms and

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