air sniper

UVC Technology Vs. Electrostatic Needlepoint

UVC Technology Vs. Electrostatic Needlepoint

UVC technology is quickly becoming a popular choice for businesses looking to improve their air quality. As supplemental air sanitization is an effective and powerful technology, this comes as little surprise. Still, it is not the only type of air purification system, as particulate filters and electrostatic needlepoint technology can attest to.  Today, the air sanitization technology of UVC light

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UVC Technology for Future Pandemics

How UVC Technology Can Protect Against Future Pandemics

Although UVC technology has been an approved air sanitization technique since the 1930s, there is still a fair amount of surprise and intrigue in this “new” technology. Certainly, no small part of this interest comes from the recent COVID-19 pandemic, which saw countries around the world have to acknowledge the power and danger present in the microorganic world.  But, regardless

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Air Purification: Part of Your PPE

Air Purification: Part of Your PPE

Every workplace faces its own unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety of all workers present on site. There are numerous hazards to contend with, from physical hazards like processing equipment and airborne contamination to the mental hazards of fatigue, interpersonal relationships and more. Keeping track of and countering these many problems can be a full-time commitment for

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254 Nanometers and UVC

254 Nanometers and UVC

When it comes to the protection of indoor spaces from harmful airborne contaminants, there are few better options available than UVC light sanitization. This method of air sanitization is long-lasting, powerful and can boast proven results backed by years of research and development of the technology. As a result, the applications for UVC sanitization continue to grow with each passing

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Air sanitization in hospital

How Air Snipers Can Help Keep Your Hospitals Running

When it comes to protecting your air sources, proper supplemental air sanitization is a necessity. Nowhere is this statement more true than medical centres, like walk-in clinics and hospitals. The right protection can keep these facilities safe from airborne diseases and harmful microorganisms.   But, what is the right protection? Are particulate filters enough protection in today’s world, even when other

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Air Sniper Air Sanitization

Are Air Sanitization and Air Purification the Same Thing?

When interpreting the English language, there are, perhaps unsurprisingly, many interpretations. Words that sound the same or seem to mean the same thing often get swapped out and used interchangeably, regardless of how close their definitions and meanings match the context of their use. One such example of this is the difference between supplemental air sanitization, purification, and filtration. Three

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