Press Release

Air Sniper conducts further third-party testing

Air Sniper conducts further third-party testing while operating within a licensed production facility. The room where the equipment was installed had previously tested positive for microbials. The results of the tests after the Air Sniper units were installed confirmed that the Air Sniper Ultra had successfully removed 100% of the microbials previously present in the room. For a full list

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Cannabis Recalls in Canada

Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada in October 2018 there have been several recalls due to product contaminated with mold. Crop contamination can hurt a grower’s reputation and have negative impacts on their financial situation. Many growers believe that crop contamination is something that won’t affect their crop and don’t purchase proper equipment until they have lost a crop.

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Coming soon: Airflow solution

Air Sniper is currently developing and testing an airflow solution to assist in pushing air from underneath grow tables. This solution will help keep the air inside grow rooms cleaner and keep plants free of mold, mildew, and bacteria. We are committed to providing our customers with effective and innovative air sanitization solutions. Contact us to find out when you

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Areas we recommend installations

Air Sniper units can be used throughout the facility not just in grow rooms. We know that your grow is important to you so why not clean the air it grows in? Airborne pathogens can contaminate your plants and result in a wasted crop. Some areas we recommend installations within the facility are: Grow rooms, HVAC systems, Drying rooms, Processing

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The benefits of installing Air Sniper units in your facility.

Losing a crop to contaminants can negatively impact a facility’s finances and reputation. This can take months to recover from. Air Sniper equipment offers a form of insurance for your grow. Our equipment provides ultimate protection against mold, bacteria, and powdery mildew 24/7 so growers can produce the best product possible. We have designed our products to be low maintenance

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Visit Our YouTube channel for all your maintenance needs!

Air Sniper has launched a YouTube Channel! On this channel viewers will find videos for each unit that explain how to conduct filter changes, bulb changes, cleaning and more! Learn how to us our Dashboard system, touchscreens, and see what our products can do. Follow our other social media pages for new product updates, special offers, and events Air Sniper

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Proposed changes to the cannabis act

The government of Canada has recently released its proposed changes to the regulations under the Cannabis Act. These regulations include changes to the air quality requirements within cultivation facilities. The proposed requirements under the good production practices are: Building on existing air filtration requirements to prevent the escape of odours, there would be a new requirement to have a ventilation

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Inverse Square Law

Ever wondered what makes Air Sniper different? One of the reasons our products are different from competitors is our design. When our product designer and founder was designing the Units, he used the Inverse Square Law. This law was used to ensure that the UV technology remains effective through the use of multiple bulbs and reflective panels to ensure maximum

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