Every workplace faces its own unique challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety of all workers present on site. There are numerous hazards to contend with, from physical hazards like processing equipment and airborne contamination to the mental hazards of fatigue, interpersonal relationships and more. Keeping track of and countering these many problems can be a full-time commitment for even the most dedicated supervisor and employers.
But, acting on these hazards and preventing them from being a potential injury or lost time incident is a worthy endeavour all the same. So long as the company is willing to affect positive change and supports workers who are willing to accept, support and encourage safety systems, many of these obstacles are fixable, through the various actions available.
These actions include the introduction of process controls that counteract the hazards presented in a workplace and can take the form of Engineered, Administrative or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) controls. The definitions for these controls can be found below:
Engineered Controls
Engineered controls are often considered physical safety controls. An oft-quoted example is a humble handrail, which can be placed anywhere there is a potential falling hazard to remind and dissuade people about the danger present. Other examples include deadman switches, handguards, two-step latches and more.
Administrative Controls
Administrative controls are the mental protections that give workers confidence and knowledge to do their jobs safely. This may include policies and procedures about the proper operation of equipment, or safety bulletins about the risks of working while exhausted, among others.
PPE Controls
Personal protective equipment (PPE) controls refer to the safety considerations present on a person’s body. Hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, high visibility vests and respirators are all examples of PPE controls. These are often the last part of a safety program to be implemented but can be an important part of a comprehensive approach to safety in the workplace.
So, where does air purification fit into this picture? It is technically an engineered control as it would be placed onto either an existing HVAC system or installed as a standalone piece of equipment. Still, in many ways, it is also a unique form of PPE. Unlike handrails and blade guards which only protect workers when nearby a potential hazard, supplemental air sanitization equipment provides protection at all times of day and night, wherever workers are within their work area.
See how Air Sniper can help you protect your workplace today by contacting them and requesting a quote!